Wichita Heights’ Tai Level – Poll Winner – Presented by Advanced Physical Therapy

By Matt Browning

A family connection has helped Wichita Heights’ Tai Level develop her game throughout the offseason and sometimes she’s not even aware.

“Since my grandpa works at Bowlero Northrock, during the offseason I’m usually getting signed up for leagues and bowling in tournaments without even knowing,” Level said.

There is one area to Level’s game that she knows is a weakness and she has been focusing on improving it since the conclusion of last season.

“The area I’ve been working to improve is definitely my seven pin spares,” Level said. “You can ask anyone who has seen me bowl that’s definitely my weakness. The way I’ve worked on them is constantly practicing by using my plastic spare ball and always aiming for the seven pin.”

Level, who took fifth at the 6A Tournament last season, is coming off a season where she averaged 198, with a high game of 268, and a high series of 668.

“Some goals I have for me individually is placing in any tournaments that we have this year, and making it to state,” Level said. “Some goals I have for the team is being able to bond with each other since we’re such a young team and just having fun while also handling business when it comes down to meets.”

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