Wichita Southeast’s Nathan Gestring – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Visit Wichita

By Ken Hansard 

Nathan Gestring, a senior from Wichita Southeast, stumbled upon his love of bowling late in his young life.  His parents bowled, but he never really knew much about their love of the sport.  It wasn’t until he bowled one day with his girlfriend that he realized that bowling was something that he wanted to continue to do for life. 

Going into this season with the Buffaloes, Gestring’s goals were modest.  Primarily, he just wanted to be an active and productive member of the varsity team to help instill a love of the game with his younger teammates, “I wanted to help and influence the team and make sure people were having fun.  I feel like my role was to be the heart and the voice of the team and to make sure we were heard and recognized around school and beyond.” 

Nathan was successful on that count, and along the way, he learned a lot of valuable life lessons, “I think the biggest challenge that I have is not letting my emotions get the best of me. If you become too emotional over a mistake, it can get you down and keep you from enjoying something you love.” 

Sadly, his final high school season is now over, but Nathan will carry a lot of fond memories moving forward, “I was really proud of my 160 to 170 average and also my ability to pick up spares.  I showed a lot of growth from my previous years.  It has been rewarding to see how much I have Improved over the years.  It just shows how much I’ve tried. I have definitely learned a lot from the experience.” 

Nathan is also in journalism at Southeast.  Following graduation, he would like to continue his studies at Butler County Community College.  He would like to study general esports and digital events management.  After earning his associates degree, his next objective is to attend WSU, where he has plans to try out for their bowling team and to study digital video. 

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